Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Frankenstein, theatre

Frankenstein (5th form A&B), thursday 10th february 2010
Frankenstein show pictures

Frankenstein is a doctor of medicine. He has a laboratory where, helped by his assistant, he gives classes of anatomy. He also has a book ‘How to make a monster’. All he needs are a few pieces of body, a brain and a lot of energy. But where is he going to get these things from?


  1. Hola xavi. La informació que has posat ens donara pistes per saber mes de l'obra de treatere.

  2. xavi m'agradat molt l'obra es espactacular i at fa riure molt sobretot cuan li agafen elk cerbell al Sergio a astat molt be

  3. Xavi m'agradat molt l'obra la part que mes m'agradat va ser quan la natalia li tenia que ajudar al montre i em va fer molt de risa quan el monstre va dir
    "mami" a la natalia cuan li va ajudar.
    doncs la meva opinio es que era molt bona l'obra.

  4. My favourite part is the song: Those bones!!!! :-)


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